Saturday, June 13, 2009

Japanese Recipe for Chicken Braised in Sweet Soy

* 4 chicken thighs fillet with skin
* 2 tsp sake
* 2 tsp oil
* 2 tsp light soy sauce
* 3 tbsp mirin
* 3 tbsp light soy sauce (extra)
* 4 tbsp sake (extra)
* 1 tbsp lemon rind (grated) - optional
* 1 scallion (cut into lengths)

FYI: Sake is a brewed alcoholic beverage also known as Japanese rice wine. If you cannot find sake, use Chinese rice wine or dry sherry instead.

To prepare:

* Place chicken fillets into a medium bowl
* Add in 2 tsp sake and 2 tsp of light soy sauce and marinate chicken for 30 mins in refrigerator
* Drian chicken and pat dry with paper towel
* In another bowl, combine the mirin with 3 tbsp light soy sauce and 3 tbsp sake
* Heat oil in a wok over medium heat
* Add chicken, (skin side down) and cook till golden brown (2 to 3 mins on each side)
* Add mirin mixture, reduce heat to low and simmer till chicken is cooked and glazed
* Make sure sauce is thickened (5 to 6 mins)
* Remove from heat, slice chicken into thick pieces
* Serve warm (or cold) and topped with lemon rind (opitional) and scallions

TIP: For best results, marinade the chicken fillets overnight.

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